Monday, April 4, 2011

So much beauty in life

Over the last couple of months I've found so much beauty in life.  So much beauty out there in so many people and so many places that I never new existed.  I like to look at life as this big adventure and take it one day at a time.  Really step back slow your day down and make something beautiful happen weather its a nice compliment to someone, gift for someone, or a helping hand.  Just do something to brighten someone elses day a little more.   Not only will you feel good about doing it but your spreading beauty and love in a none threatening way.  Plus you never know something or someone might knock back at your door when your feeling blue.  The word pure has many definitions and here is the definition I like to use it as:  free of extraneous elements of any kind I got to witness the word pure in someone this weekend and it was amazing.  That person taught me something I never knew and I will carry that knowledge with me and share with others. Here is a pretty cool quote I looked up: Life is short so kiss slowly laugh insanely love truly and forgive quickly. What I'm trying to get across is keep smiling,  keep opening doors, keep interacting, keep loving, keep forgiving, keep giving, and keep god close. 

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